Casino Royale is part of a series of films that centers on the charismatic fictional character, James Bond. The character was created by the late English author Ian Fleming and his legacy continues even after his death.The James Bond character and Casino Royale story were solely patterned in Ian Fleming’s novel which was only the third novel adapted for the movie.
The movie was released in 2006 and was the first James Bond movie for the English actor, Daniel Craig. Since then he has starred in two more films – Quantum Solace (2008) and Skyfall (2012). It went to become a top grossing film at that time and it has catapulted Daniel Craig to fame. The Casino Royale intro starts off its trademark gunshot towards an eye hole and a theme song. “You Know My Name”, sung by Chris Cornell, was the theme song used for Casino Royale.
James Bond Casino Royale Soundtrack and Other Theme Songs
Most of James Bond soundtrack then and now make use of instrumental music and a theme song that fits the theme of the James Bond movie. Notable singers went instrumental in making a memorable James Bond theme song. Some of the popular song titles and singers who have paved way to our alluring hero throughout the years include Shirley Bassey’s Goldfinger (1964), Sheena Easton’s For Your Eyes Only (1981), Rita Coolidge’s Octopussy (1983), Garbage’s The World Is Not Enough (1999), Chris Cornell’s You Know My Name (2006), and Adele’s Skyfall (2012). All these theme songs ultimately won different awards because of its composition and music.
The Importance of James Bond Theme Songs
All James Bond movies start with an iconic introduction and with the theme song. These theme songs help build momentum and attract the viewers even if it is only an introduction of the movie. Watching a movie introduction can be quite boring because you will only read the names of people you are not familiar with. Most movies these days skip on the introduction and start with a strong scene. Instead the introduction is cut off and moved towards the end of the show. However, with James Bond the introduction remains the same even with the recent movie Skyfall on DVD now.
Chris Cornell and Casino Royale
It was a huge move for the producers of Casino Royale to choose Chris Cornell to sing the theme song for Casino Royale. During that time, he was the first American male to sing the theme song of the James Bond movie series. Cornell is an experienced songwriter due to his musical background and together with Casino Royale’s composer David Arnold they were able to write a strong theme song for Casino Royale. However, the theme song did not make it into Casino Royale’s official soundtrack.
Theme Song Legacy and the Future of James Bond Music
As the James Bond franchise lives on, the Casino Royale intro will continue to allure and capture the audience. For the record, there were only two theme songs that did not make it into James Bond’s official soundtrack – In Your Name and Skyfall. Skyfall was the theme song used in Daniel Craig’s third James Bond movie of the same title. It was composed and sung by a popular female English singer, Adele. Although it was not included in the soundtrack, it received many awards. The next James Bond movie in 2014 is expected to have a grand theme song that will continue its legacy.